

Relationship Specialist


Books by Dr. Mark A. Hicks

Available on Amazon

Paperback and Kindle

Learning Love

Building a Life that Matters and Healthy

Relationships that Last


The Learning Love Bible Study

How the Bible Teaches the Five Component of Love

My mission:

I help adults (age 18-28) break free from negative family patterns and past relationship hardships and trauma in order to build healthy, happy, amazing relationships:

Keynote Speaker: I travel the country speaking at colleges, universities, marriage and family conferences, and other events giving the tools to build the relationships people want, need, and deserve

Writing: My books, LEARNING LOVE and THE LEARNING LOVE BIBLE STUDY are now available.

Life & Relationship Coaching: I am an experienced therapist having worked in areas of marriage and family counseling, personal development, and recovery issues. I can be the consultant you need to live the life you want.

Teaching: I believe in seeking the wisdom of the ages, and wisdom is exactly what we need in the world today. I believe in the value of tough questions, life-long learning, and that no one has a monopoly on the truth. We are all seekers.

Raised in a small town in Tennessee, I grew up with the values of faith, family, and college football. My wife Heather and I love to travel, meet new people, and see new places. It’s always an adventure.


I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Master of Divinity, Masters in Mental Health Counseling and Doctor of Ministry. Even more than my formal education, I have learned from people around the world as I have traveled to Egypt, Israel, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Costa Rica, Guatemala, China, South Korea, and The Czech Republic.


I have experience in group and individual counseling, consulting, and coaching within the settings of hospitals, churches, a free counseling clinic, and recovery ministry. I now draw on this experience as a life coach.


For over two decades I have served churches in Tennessee, Virginia, and The Czech Republic. In addition to pastor and missionary work, the church opened doors for me to serve as:

  • disaster response coordinator

  • recovery program director

  • host of my own radio program that aired nation-wide in The Czech Republic.

Dr. Mark A. Hicks

I’ve been truly blessed to visit many places in the world. Here is a picture of my day at the Great Wall of China. The air quality was poor and the climb was exhausting, but I still had an amazing day.